Online Tutors for Hire - Find Tutor for Private Tutoring

A Team of Highly Skilled and Talented Tutors:-

eTutoringWorld has hired a team of highly skilled and talented tutors. Our tutors are well trained; compassionate individual with a knack of providing high quality customized tutoring service. They pride themselves on their ability to tailor instructions to meet specific needs of students. We are passionate about fostering educational growth and help the students in order to be academic successful.

As a old saying "Better than a  thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher".

We are conceptualized to bring personalization back in to education system. We are dedicated to build a world where a student is at center of learning again and a teacher will teach according to the need, place and level of a student.  Where learning graduates from one to many to 1 to 1. Education in today's world is drifting towards generalization. Over the decades classroom teaching has taken such precedence that the most of the pedagogy and teaching is done in a way that "One size fits all" manners but according to our belief system it is not right way to teach. We believe that this concept is not right and it should be changed. We aim to create a world of learning which is customized and democratized.

A Trusted and Reliable Tutor Service - Find Tutor Anytime 24/7.

We are one of the most trusted and reliable tutor service providers, because of our holistic result driven approach.  Our team is developed with hiring of world class tutors, top educators and experts who are having superior communication abilities also. We have hired professional and experienced tutors who are capable to teach complex subjects in a way that makes them easy to comprehend and retain. Our tutors will available in a customized lesson plan according to student's needs. We are also flexible with their scheduling so that services may be convenient to students. We are available 24 hours per day and 7 days in a week.

Covered almost all subjects and field of study

We are having a team of qualified and experienced expert tutors in all subject and area of study . List of subjects are given below:-

  • Math
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • English
  • History
  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Statistics
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Human Resource
  • Strategic Management
  • Operation Management
  • International Business
  • Engineering Courses
  • Programming Courses.

Our Methodology to hire tutor :-

We are following a separate methodology to hire tutor. We are following a five step process to hire tutor. Our steps are explained below.

1.       Apply as a teacher.

:- This is one of the first step. In this method applicants apply by filling a simple form.

2.       Initial Screening.

:-  After filling a form the another step is initial screening. In this step our experts will screen the best profiles.

3.       Teaching Demo.

:- After initial screening we come toward teaching demo. In this step applicants are requested to pick a topic of their choice and giving a teaching demo to our experts.

4.       Teacher on boarding and training.

:- Once selected , documentation and profile creation will be done , followed by training and induction webinar.

5.       First Online Session.

:- Once you attend the webinar, you will be listed as a teacher and you will get your first online session in no times.

Apart from the above methodology we are having certain expectations from a teacher.

  • Creative Content:- Someone who is having deep knowledge of concepts and bring interesting ways for types of learners to learn.
  • Dedicated and passionate:- Someone who belongs to teaching must be dedicated and passionate because then only they will be able to make the study fun and productive for learners and their parents.
  • Consistently available:- Teachers must be consistently available minimum 2 hours of daily availability.
  • Love to follow process:- We expects our teachers to follow certain processes to excellent user experience, we love to work as a team with our teachers.
  • Willing to learn and grow: - We are having a team of teacher care unit also and we organize excellent training and certification for our tutors frequently. We love to see our tutors grow day by day.

Why we for online tutor service?

Now , let's come to the point that why tutor join our organization. There are plenty of reasons. Some are listed below.

  • Earn well.

:-  This is one of most important reason behind joining our organization. A surprisingly high earning potential with predictability and control in your hand.

  • Find Purpose.

:-  Here, tutors will be able to find purpose of their work. By, online tutoring they contribute to someone's life by sharing knowledge and experience pure joy of giving.

  • Any time, Anywhere.

:- There is no any barrier of time and distance. You will connect with your students from wherever you are and whenever you want. So, you don't have to face any hustle and bustle.

  • Be a part of knowledge sharing process.

:-  Be a part of large awesome community ,make friends and learn and share knowledge with each other.

  • Great Connections.

:- Connect with students from all over the country and create heart warming  learning stories.

Find your perfect tutor for help:- 

:-  If you are in search of a perfect tutor then your search ends here. Our team is dedicated to matching highly skilled educators to students with specific educational objectives. We strive to connect students with the perfect tutor in order to maximize learning potential and realize goals. Our tutors are having a deep knowledge of the concepts of their subjects.

They are also great communicators and explain the concepts in an easily understandable and memorable way. Our tutors are simply brilliant people with excellent mind.

We differ from our competitors because we don't believe in a cookie cutter approach instead we individualized  and  customized our instructions to meets the need of each student.


Choose from Many Highly Trusted Geniuses - Book a Tutor Now Book Now